Working as a Buying Agent in Chiang Mai for our wholesale buyers of local handicrafts, furniture, and home decor products is an interesting and enjoyable job as it consists of diverse work components and meeting lots of people such as buyers, suppliers, packers, and shippers. You might be interested to learn what our typical working day looks like! After helping our buyers deal and place business orders with manufacturers and suppliers, we will help them with further steps such as coordinating the orders, communicating regularly with the suppliers for production updates, performing quality control and inspections of the products, and helping to organize the loading and departure of shipments.
In this video, we share with you what our working day consists of, viewing the driveway towards Hangdong where the central area of crafts manufacturers is located, and the process of doing quality control for the order of one of our buyers. This QC work usually occurs some weeks before loading so there is sufficient time to go through all the products carefully and thoroughly. The suppliers will take some time for production accordingly to the buyer’s orders. When the order is ready, the quality of the products needs to be checked and is one of the main aspects of our work, ensuring high quality goods for our wholesale buyers. In this process, we have to make sure that our clients will receive the products as they expected in terms of quality and quantity, colors and designs. We will separate out the items that need to be touched up a bit more and the makers happily and willingly do that for us as we all focus on long-term business relationships. Another fun aspect of our work is getting to communicate regularly with our suppliers and buyers as there are many different areas of work that needs to be discussed so we are never kept bored as a Chiang Mai Buying Agent!
A Working Day in the Life of a Chiang Mai Buying Agent
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